Hike + Yoga in Frick Park & Yoga in the Parks

Many things happening ALL over the city as we move to Green on Friday AND set our sights on supporting the movement that has arrived. Fiona, Matt & I walked to the vigil at East Liberty Presbyterian on Wednesday to take part. Most of my commentary on this resides on Social Media & is related to the work we do in yoga & my understanding of the yoga sutras. To keep it short and sweet, there's not really an authentic way to be into yoga and not be into social justice & human rights. If you just want the poses, you're not doing yoga. 

Yoga reaches far beyond the poses and basically lays out the groundwork for us, starting with understanding ahimsa, which means nonviolence - and includes: verbal, physical, emotional, and psychological; & not just perpetrated by us, but also by bearing witness AND standing in support of those sustaining violence. Yoga also requires us to turn on our listening ears from the inside & out. When we can listen, we can receive and when that happens, we can learn. Our doors are open to all - always & forever - we are committed to learning & doing better always.  

I've been cleaning & getting the studio all set to receive you. I installed the medical grade air purifier & it's been running. The windows are open & yoga mat spaces are marked 6 feet apart to give you room. We have enough bleach & hand sanitizer to last what seems like years. 

We also totally get you might not be ready to come to an airy studio, however, and so each class that we have in the studio will ALSO be available on zoom so that you can join us from wherever!

Please carefully look at the schedule because it's going to look a little crazy with duplicate classes - one for the studio & one for zoom. BUT, we want to be able to offer you both, so sign up for what works. We'll also be continuing to offer our awesome line-up of classes in the park!

You will also note that our schedule is not exactly like it used to be - we are trying to anticipate what will work best for everyone working from home AND families who now have kids at home. If you have ideas, don't hesitate to reach out - I'd love your feedback and ideas for class times. Note, you can also now find Dezza on Friday at 9:30 am!

Josh is really excited to bring you a hike in Frick park & a yoga class - so you get the best of everything - nature, walking & yoga. Spots are limited so sign up! Details below!

FINALLY - WE LOVE Gia's somatic yoga class - she's coming on weekly Sunday's at 4 pm for Embodied Vinyasa. Stay tuned!

LISTEN UP!  Teacher Training is ON THE HORIZON
You totally deserve something awesome in your world. We start July 30th and get together over long weekends. Part of the training is several immersion days in Ecuador - We HOPE we can go, but we'll of course make the safe & right decision when the time comes.  

Big Love from ALL of us!

Read the rest here.